Saturday, March 31, 2007

heyo its 8:03 Am

on a beautiful saturday! oh yeahhh. ok you guys must think im some lunatic retard whose up so damn early,
resons why im happy

#1 I have cip at 10 with mich , rach and all & we'll most probably be sipping ice mochass in starbucks<3 oh have i mentioned, there is a new starbucks near california fitness in orchard. i love orchard cuz they have like more than 5 starbucks outlets there.
coffee bean sucks . starbucks = cooool :D

#2 Its my parents anniversary today! 34 years ok. dont play play! betcha beats you teenagers out there who break only after like what 2-3 weeks?! nahh im kidding.
My family's gonna celebrate at some sushi place oh yeah! (:

#3 tmr is sunday & i got no tuition ! scrap that i love my tutor . he rocks. -throws rocks
we are going out to celebrate alex's birthday && i get to see neeeekkkkooolaaasss.

yes i'm exceptionally hyped up rightt now. the way the brain of a genius works.
well have a great day ahead everyone.

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