Friday, March 23, 2007

so why do you build me up buttercup
just to break me down
& mess me around


so the whole cohort of ij tp girls are having two days off for e learning day! say "hoooray " :Dbut frankly, i personally think e learning day is a waste of time. i mean the probability of us catching bird flu is like 1 in a 100. never mind, e learning day is a good day to go out / catch up on lost sleep & revise. never mind, my mum 's gonna bring me out to get my three quater pants today <3

so i just finished my physics hw in like 5 mins & i scored 8/10 for the assigment. its simple stuff really. p=mass over volume. easy peasy simple pimple. now all i have left is an english compo. but that shall be left for later. geez, i feel like sucha slug, i wasted the morning strumming the guitar to learn the way back into love song & now i finally mastered it :DDD

i think too much

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